Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese technique that focuses on harmonising spaces to generate positive and balanced energy..

Applying Feng Shui at home can be very beneficial to improve your quality of life and attract prosperity and abundance.

If that interests you, in this article we tell you some practical tips to apply Feng Shui in your home.

5 Practical tips to apply Feng Shui in your house.

1.The first step to apply Feng Shui at home is to do a deep cleaning and get rid of everything you don’t need.

Feng Shui considers that accumulated objects generate negative and stagnant energy, which can affect the harmony of the space. Therefore, it is important to clean and organise objects in a functional and aesthetic way.

2. Once the cleaning has been done, it is advisable to place furniture and objects strategically to favour the flow of energy..

For example, you should avoid placing large and heavy furniture in the centre of the room, as it can hinder the flow of energy. It is preferable to place them close to the walls to leave the centre free and allow the energy to flow unhindered.

3. Another important aspect in the application of Feng Shui at home is the choice of colours.

Colours have a great influence on our mood and the energy of the space.. In general, it is recommended to use soft and light colours to create a relaxing and harmonious atmosphere.

For example, white, beige, light green and light blue are colours that convey peace and balance. On the other hand, the use of strong and vibrant colours should be avoided, as they can generate an overly active and aggressive energy.

4. Another tip to consider when applying Feng Shui in your home is the choice of lighting.

Light is an essential element in generating positive energy and harmony.

It is important to choose lighting that is suitable for each space and that allows good visibility. In addition, it is recommended to use natural light as much as possible, as this is the purest and most energetic source of light.

5. Finally, it is important to consider the placement of objects and decorative elements in the home.
Feng Shui considers that each object has a specific energy and meaning, so it is important to choose them carefully and place them in strategic locations.

For example, it is recommended to place plants in places where more vital energy is required, such as at the entrance of the house or in the work area.

It is also recommended to place mirrors in places where natural light can be reflected to increase the feeling of spaciousness and brightness.

In conclusion

Applying Feng Shui in your house can be a powerful tool to generate an atmosphere of harmony and balance.

By following some practical advice such as the ones we have given you:

  1. Do a deep cleaning
  2. Place the furniture strategically
  3. Choose soft colours
  4. Use appropriate lighting
  5. And place objects strategically.

A sense of peace and tranquillity can be achieved in the house, which in turn can contribute to improving the quality of life of those who live there..

It is important to keep in mind that the application of Feng Shui in the home is not simply a matter of following strict rules but should be an adaptation to the personal needs and tastes of everyone..

Each home is unique and has its own energy, so it is important to make personalised adjustments to achieve a proper energy balance.

If you are not sure how to do this, at Moraval we can help you to design and reform your home so that you can live in the best possible way and with positive energy.

If you want, you can contact us without obligation, and we will be happy to advise you.

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